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Why “Cross-Threaded”?

“Cross-Threaded” is my metaphor for what happens when you start a project, of some sort, and despite your best intentions it goes very far south of your plan.

The most common experience for me is one of my many automotive projects where I casually start to thread a bolt into a threaded hole and it seems to start out just fine, but a few turns in it gets tight and stuck and I realize that I have “cross-threaded” the bolt. I also realize at that very moment I am about to begin travelling in a different direction from the one I had planned.

I have also come to realize that I don’t have an exclusive on this experience. So, it seems that this Blog is as good a place as any to share stories about not only my, but your “Cross-Threaded” experiences as well.

We all feel better every time we hear someone else’s disaster stories, but the real purpose of this Blog is to learn from one another’s mistakes and become better or at least more cautious during the course of our next project.

I hope you will be willing to share your misadventures with the rest of us and still retain your sense of humor while doing so.


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